Pattern: Seeded Boot Cuffs


The first day of winter is coming up! I don’t know about y’all, but I’m super excited about boot season. I have more pairs of boots than any other type of shoe, and I am not ashamed of it. So to celebrate the beginning of cold weather, I wanted to try making a pair of cuffs to spruce up my old boots.

When it comes to basic stitches, I love the seed stitch. It has a fun texture, and it’s simple so I can watch TV while I knit. This pattern came about solely because I wanted my cuffs to have the seed stitch. I couldn’t find anything like it on Ravelry so this is my attempt to write a pattern.

This is actually my first pattern so if it’s hard to read or you find any errors, please let me know in the comments!



Measuring tape
Size 8 circular needles (36″ for magic loop)
Around 120 yards or 66 grams of worsted weight yarn (I used Red Heart)
Stitch markers
Buttons of your choice
A sewing needle
Thread that matches your yarn
Tapestry needles for weaving in ends


  • CO – cast on
  • st – stitch
  • k – knit
  • p – purl


Measure the largest area of your calf or your recipients calf, if it’s a gift.
Round to the nearest inch.
Subtract 4 inches from the measurement and cast on the required stitches based on the table below.

9″ – CO 52
10″ – CO 58
11″ – CO 64
12″ – CO 70

If you need a smaller or larger size, 6 stitches will equal about 1″ so add or subtract as necessary.


CO required amount of st

Join for knitting in the round and place stitch marker, if necessary

K2, P2 rib for 1″

***K1, P1 across row
P1, K1 across row

*Repeat from *** until desired length is reached

K2, P2 rib for 1″

Bind off

Weave in ends

Attach buttons in your preferred method

And that’s all there is to it!



I loved how mine came out, but I’m gifting them to my mother-in-law for Christmas. I’ve been counting calories the past few months, and I’ve lost so much weight that they don’t fit me anymore! I can just whip myself up another pair later anyway.

At any rate, I hope that y’all enjoy the pattern. If you make your own pair, feel free to leave a comment with a link to your finished project. I would love to see them!


3 thoughts on “Pattern: Seeded Boot Cuffs

  1. Thank you! 😀
    I’m opening an Etsy shop in the near future, and I’m hoping to make a few pairs of these to list. I’ll post an entry when I get it all set up, if you’re interested. 🙂

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